Frequently Asked Questions
And honest answers!
Where are you located ?
We are located in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Eastside of Indianapolis, near Warren Central High School.)
Am I able to get a meal plan along with any of your services ?
Sorry, we do not provide any meal or nutrition plans here. We believe that every individual innately knows how to fuel their own bodies best! Providing a plan would not help with developing the right eating habits along your journey. Having a meal plan may show you WHAT to eat but not how to best choose foods each week depending on your unique day-to-day requirements.
As you work with us, nutritional guidance will be given based on various factors such as our unique training regimen, your weekly habits, and lifestyle/schedule.
How long until I start to see results ?
With proper training, consistency, your ability to stick to the plan, learn from your mistakes, incorporating new habits, and... I'm sure these are all things you are aware of but the honest answer is it depends on how committed you are to the process. That's it!